5th seminar of the Remote Sensing Section of KBKiS PAN

We are pleased to take part in the 5th seminar of the Remote Sensing Section of KBKiS PAN
organized jointly with the Geoinformatics Commission of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow. We will present the results of three independent projects whose common denominator is the use of satellite techniques in forest management:

Project financed by ESA under the initiative called Plan for European Cooperating States (PECS).

Earth observations for the Eastern Partnership
Project financed by ESA. It was part of a broader initiative – Earth Observations for Sustainable Development – addressed to Eastern European countries.

Geo4IRBM (Geoinformational Support for Integrated River Basin Management).
Project financed by ESA under PLIIS. Implemented in Indonesia in cooperation with local organizations and the Asian Development Bank.