GECCO project for crisis management

Integrated geoinformation environment for crisis management and coordination of activities.

The aim of the GECCO project is to practically demonstrate to users in the field of crisis management and rescue the possibility of using satellite data, geospatial information and digital data in their activities. The main task of the project is to create a common Crisis Geoinformation Environment, providing access to information from satellite data and other geospatial information important for crisis management and enabling their exchange and informing the population about threats based on them.

GECCO: space-derived GEoinformation for Crisis management and COordination

As part of the project, a geoinformation platform will be created including three components: a professional map portal providing access to authorized persons (crisis management services and institutions) to information from satellite data and other geospatial information (e.g. spatial analyses, modeling results, simulations), a portal for the public providing publicly selected crisis information and a mobile application enabling the distribution of warnings for areas selected by the user.

The project is financed under the PECS program (Plan for European Cooperating States) by the European Space Agency.