ERDAS APOLLO for begginers
ERDAS APOLLO is a comprehensive system designed for the management, analysis and dissemination of spatial data. It enables the description, cataloguing, searching, processing and publication of spatial information in a network environment, ensuring a high level of security.
The “Getting Started with ERDAS APOLLO” webinar, to which we hereby invite you, will present the basics of ERDAS APOLLO and the benefits that the use of subsequent system modules can bring to users. The presentation of the system’s functionality will end with a description of the Internet access application – ERDAS APOLLO Web Client. The seminar will take place on December 6.
To enable further education in the use and configuration of the ERADS APOLLO solution, we invite you to the online course “Introduction to ERDAS APOLLO”. The course covers basic knowledge about the product, transmitting it as a composition of demonstrations and exercises performed by participants.