
Built-up Areas Monitoring Service for Mazovia GEOSYSTEMS Polska is starting the implementation of the BAMS-Mazovia project (Build-up Areas Monitoring Service for Mazovia). Its main goal is to develop a platform providing data on spatial changes taking place in built-up areas. The proposed tool will operate based on automated classifications of Sentinel-2 satellite imagery. High level…

5th seminar of the Remote Sensing Section of KBKiS PAN

We are pleased to take part in the 5th seminar of the Remote Sensing Section of KBKiS PANorganized jointly with the Geoinformatics Commission of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow. We will present the results of three independent projects whose common denominator is the use of satellite techniques in forest management: GECCOProject financed by…

Trimble eCognition Essentials – a new product from the eCognition family

Trimble introduces a new product from the eCognition stable. Trimble eCognition Essentials, based on the functionality of the basic package, i.e. eCognition Developer, at a very competitive price offers rich functionality enclosed in a friendly and intuitive graphical interface. It focuses on ease of use and speed of obtaining results, using proven object-oriented classification mechanisms….

Trimble GeoSpatial releases eCognition 9

A new version of the eCognition software, number 9.0.1, is now available on the market. The manufacturer, Trimble GeoSpatial, makes it available free of charge to all current eCognition users as part of an important maintenance service. GEOSYSTEMS Polska, being the official distributor of eCognition in Poland, invites you to familiarize yourself with the new…

Visit of the creator of GMES

March 22 this year a special meeting of the Remote Sensing Committee of the Space and Satellite Research Committee of the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences was held. The special guest of the meeting was prof. José Achache, director of the GEO (Group on Earth Observations) secretariat coordinating the GEOSS (Global Earth Observation…

ERDAS APOLLO for begginers

ERDAS APOLLO is a comprehensive system designed for the management, analysis and dissemination of spatial data. It enables the description, cataloguing, searching, processing and publication of spatial information in a network environment, ensuring a high level of security.The “Getting Started with ERDAS APOLLO” webinar, to which we hereby invite you, will present the basics of…

How to get more out of ERDAS IMAGINE

ERDAS IMAGINE is a leading system created for obtaining spatial information through the analysis of remote sensing data. Image processing tools are accompanied by GIS functionality, creating a comprehensive solution. To enable users to take full advantage of ERDAS IMAGINE, the “Getting More from ERDAS IMAGINE” webinar on November 21 continues the “Getting Started with…